2020 Virtual Colloquium videos

July 6-10, 2020

Welcome! This site has videos from the Virtual Colloquium offered by the Church Music Association of America in July 2020.

When it became impossible for CMAA to hold its planned Sacred Music Colloquium in Tampa, we reached out across the internet to bring a week of musical instruction, panel discussions, and opportunities for prayer, especially for people who have not been able to attend the Colloquium in person.

Follow each day’s link to find the videos for the day. Registered participants should have received an access password by e-mail.

Monday, July 6
  • Spiritual reflection by Fr. Robert Pasley
  • “Rationale for repertory” by Prof. Timothy McDonnell
  • “Resonant vocal pedagogy” by Cecilia MeeAe Nam
  • Daily Sung Compline with on-screen displays
-> Videos for Monday
Tuesday, July 7
  • Spiritual reflection by CMAA’s chaplain, Fr. Robert Pasley
  • Presentation: “Rehearsing the choir: a balance between efficiency and excellence” by Dr. Horst Buchholz
  • Presentation: “The Ward Method for Teaching Gregorian Chant to Children—What’s in a Lesson?” by Prof. Jennifer Donelson-Nowicka
  • Compline
  • Panel Discussion: “Sacred Music During the Pandemic”
-> Videos for Tuesday
Wednesday, July 8
  • Spiritual reflection by CMAA’s chaplain, Fr. Robert Pasley
  • Presentation: “Chant Analysis” by Prof. William P. Mahrt
  • Presentation: “Antiphonale Duplex” by Dr. Edward Schaefer
  • Compline
  • Panel Discussion:  “Program Development and Musical Education in Tempore Pestilentiae
-> Videos for Wednesday
Thursday, July 9
  • Annual Requiem Mass for departed members of the Association (available on YouTube)
  • Spiritual reflection by CMAA’s chaplain, Fr. Robert Pasley
  • Presentation: “Organ Improvisation” (David J. Hughes)
    (unfortunately a recording is not available)
  • Presentation in Spanish: “Basics of Sacred Music” (Heitor Caballero)
  • Presentation: “From Plague, Famine and War, Deliver Us, O Lord: Catholic Music in Time of Pandemic” (Prof. Susan Treacy)
  • Presentation in Spanish: “Music Resources” (Heitor Caballero)
  • Compline
-> Videos for Thursday
Friday, July 10
  • Spiritual reflection by CMAA’s chaplain, Fr. Robert Pasley
  • Presentation: “Children’s Programs” (Mary Ann Carr Wilson)
    (unfortunately a recording is not available)
  • Presentation: “The Alleluia” (Prof. Mahrt)
  • Presentation: “Sharing Ideas for Moving Forward Professionally”
  • Compline

-> Videos for Friday